Tuesday, December 2, 2008


When I was little I always wanted to be the kid that did things differently. When someone else wanted the same thing I did, I either convinced them otherwise or stopped liking that thing altogether.
Ex: My grandmother had these plates that were all different colors. My favorite was the pale pink one (I was VERY girly, I screamed when my mom attempted to make me wear pants. I had to have lacy frilly dresses. haha). Now, my little sister wanted the plate that I wanted because she looked up to me. She was 2 and I was 5, typical younger sister follows older sister around relationship. There was a dark pink plate and a pale pink plate and she threw a fit because she wanted the pale pink plate, knowing I liked it. So I said my favorite was the dark pink one and she settled for that. Problem solved, I was unique and she was satisfied.
Fast-forward to middle school. Everyone wore Hollister and Abercrombie and rainbows and had their coach purses. *shivers* And I understand having one piece of your outfit being from that store but they would RELIGIOUSLY wear those clothes. There was absolutely no variety. If you were wearing Target, you were officially shunned. So, guess what I PURPOSELY wore to school (besides target and Forever 21 XD). I wore denim shorts with hot pink tights, plaid flats and a green shirt that had a little bit of pink on it to match the tights. I know what you're thinking... WTF. Well, I'll admit, it was a statement. And I made a statement all right.... EVERYONE STARTED WEARING TIGHTS WITH SHORTS!!! Here I was trying so hard to be different and prove their preppy clothes were ridiculous and then they start wearing my clothes. So, of course I stopped wearing that. (only to start again sophomore year and haven't stopped yet XD)
I'm not as bad as I used to. If someone else likes the same thing I do, I don't go insane anymore. I just don't like things because other people do. I just do things that I like and that make me happy.
In middle school, I also would say things like weird is the new cool and try my hardest to be weird. I still do. I told this to my friend and it was immediately responded to by a "umm... okay... that's.... weird"
I told my friends that in elementary school I was a big Pokemon fan and I used to trade cards and everything... I was received with the same "umm.... okay...."
I confessed my strange dream to another friend. I had a dream that I was making my lunch and looked in the drawer to find food to put in it. Inside the drawer was a package that said nutter butters and inside was something that looked like a fig newton but was instead filled with peanut butter and jelly. It was called nutter butter peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This was received with an "umm....okay...." too.
IT'S NOT LIKE I THOUGHT IT WAS REAL. I have no control over my dreams, I mean, one time I had a dream where my food started floating and the plate would rotate around the food, disallowing me from taking a bite of it, no matter how much I try. Even my imagination is too weird and non-conventional for these sheep!
I love being unique but I just wish sometimes that the friends at my new school could accept me for it. I've never wanted to be accepted so much in my life. I usually don't give a damn. But there's really no one else to turn to, so I'm stuck with them.
The only place where I can be myself rather than around my best friend and at home, is in Film appreciation. I hate the class and the teacherl, but I've finally met fellow weird people who accept me for who I am, rather than who I can be.
I really hurts when you have friends who like talking to you but you have to watch what you say. It really hurts when you have friends that tell you, you look dorky in your glasses, and you should start wearing contacts so you're not such a nerd. It really hurts when you say you hate straightening your hair and they say you'd look better if you did.
I would get new friends, but I'm not mean like they are, I accept them for their faults, because sometimes they ARE there for me. I try hard not to be a hypocrite.


Lilyskye said...

It's really that bad? Geeze, I thought you got a long really well with your new friends. I guess they did seem a little superficial and immature when I met them but this makes them sound worse :p

MalcomAmongTheBobs said...

Yeah, like I do get along with them, but they do shit like that. It's what I get for hanging out with preps. It's like hanging out with Kelsey Fallon and Taylor Wing and Kelly Borland. But I like Film Appreciation because of Mike and Trevor and Allyson. Oh and Journalism cuz of Mikayla and Nicolette but yeah that's about it. I miss Woodbridge :( oh hahaha how'd you like my dream about nutter butter peanut butter and jelly sandwiches XD

christine said...

i just read this post, but i like your blog! ha and about your friends... i'm sorry! i wish that i knew you because you sound pretty awesome. i totally idolize people like you and wish that i had the same guts to just do whatever i felt whenever, but i'm working on it.

and the dreams are so funny. i hate fig newtons but if they were filled with pb and j there might be something good there... maybe you're onto something!

-anyway i just wanted to let you know i like your blog.

MalcomAmongTheBobs said...

Haha, hey thanks Christine. I'm glad you like it. :) I'm not going to lie, it is pretty difficult to just up and do things and sometimes you end up doing stupid things and thinking why?! What was I thinking. But in the long run, everyone's self-conscious one way or another so if you think you look silly or are acting stupid, they're probably thinking the same thing about themselves. And yeah those nutter butter things... lol. i have no idea if they'd be good.